Amazing Braising

I finally used my dutch oven for the purpose it was (likely) made for: I braised beef short ribs in merlot.

I am still amazed that this piece of kitchen equipment is suited for stove-top use, but that’s kind of that it’s made for.

Meat that is so soft you can break it apart with a fork? Wine-soaked veggies and smashed potatoes? Yes, please.

Bonus: the leftovers are just as good. The beef didn’t dry out in the microwave like I feared it would.

Bonus #2: if you save the sauce, it makes a delicious baked potato topper.

Thanks again for the dutch oven, Gma! You are the best :)

Quick update: I’ve gotten some emails asking about the process. I (loosely) followed the braising directions from my trusty
How To Cook Everything, but I’ll be editing this post soon with the how-to’s.

4 Responses to “Amazing Braising”

  1. Jessica Says:

    OMG that looks so good! I mean, like melt in your mouth amazing.

  2. bodeloublogs Says:

    beef stew is one of the best home cooked meals. when i was away in college it was what i craved.
    i am jealous of not only your food processor, but now your dutch oven ;)

  3. petite nyonya Says:

    The beef looks succulently delicious!

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